Lonsdale Quay 20/20

Released March 1, 2020

This conversation's become difficult to understand.
leaning on the bay door
unintentional and out of place

Potential vagrants but they still got across
shawled with and infant in hand
behind the buildings there was the setting sun
gazed out or glued to the screen

This conversation's become difficult to understand.
leaning on the bay doors
unintentional and out of place.

Potential vagrants but they still got across
shawled with and infant in hand
behind the buildings there was the setting sun
gazed out or glued to the screen.

Potential vagrants but they still got across
shawled with and infant in hand
behind the buildings there was the setting sun
gazed out or glued to the screen.

thruoutin - Lonsdale Quay

行​走​的​声​音​·​河​西​走​廊 The Sound of Walking (Excerpt)


Contingent of Outlying Territory Features